по-моему это печальноразве не смешно, когда дно берут чтобы над ним поржать и кикнуть, а он еще второй раз просится?

Отправлено 04 Декабрь 2012 - 19:48
So there we are, then. I am now a football fan. I know this because in one afternoon I learnt I'm not a football fan at all. I'm a fan of Chelsea. Chelsea are the only team that can play. Chelsea players have by far the most impressive reproductive organs. Stamford Bridge is my church. The men who play there are my Gods.
Отправлено 04 Декабрь 2012 - 21:13
Сообщение отредактировал Fjörgyn: 04 Декабрь 2012 - 21:13
So there we are, then. I am now a football fan. I know this because in one afternoon I learnt I'm not a football fan at all. I'm a fan of Chelsea. Chelsea are the only team that can play. Chelsea players have by far the most impressive reproductive organs. Stamford Bridge is my church. The men who play there are my Gods.
Отправлено 04 Декабрь 2012 - 21:55
слишком дерзкий!иии? лохпидрнетдрузей?
So there we are, then. I am now a football fan. I know this because in one afternoon I learnt I'm not a football fan at all. I'm a fan of Chelsea. Chelsea are the only team that can play. Chelsea players have by far the most impressive reproductive organs. Stamford Bridge is my church. The men who play there are my Gods.
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