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i fancy an older man

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Article about i fancy an older man:

15 Reasons Why Women Love Older Men. Do you have a friend who has always liked older men? And by older we mean at least 10 to 15 years older?




What is the attraction and what makes guys her age such a no-no. Well, to answer these questions, a team of researchers set out to understand the science behind the attractions between a young woman and an older man. Well, for starters, men prefer women between ages 20 and 24, regardless of their own age. This means that young women in this age bracket are already naturally predisposed to attract an older man. This is because men think that a woman is at her best in this age bracket, and the moment she surpasses it, she begins her decline. Even better, the research deciphers why these younger women don’t have a hard time getting into romantic relationships with these older men. As opposed to men, who are of course focused on level of attractiveness and fertility, when women get more financially independent and confident in themselves, their focus changes from the hottest hunk in the hood, to the guy who can provide material resources, and is mature enough to be in a relationship. Additionally, the age of preference also increases, hence these women find themselves dating older men, for various reasons, including the 15 listed below. 15. They Are More Established. According to a whisper confession, guys who are the same age as their partners seem like young little boys. This can be explained by the fact that an older man is more established, so his vibe will be about more mature, refined and sophisticated. For example, an older guy has a great house, really nice condo, admirable career going, and has money saved or invested. To most ladies, although older men don’t have the energy to be half as fun as their younger counterparts, it is really super attractive to hear a man talk about the latest stock market trades, as opposed to who won in a game of pool at the club. 14. They Are Well-Read. Older men have more enticing conversations, as opposed to their younger counterparts. This is mostly because they are well-read, and not on the best muscle gainer but rather, self-improvement novels and literature. As a result, a younger woman will be enticed with the crazy pack of knowledge the guy has, finding him more interesting. In more serious cases, these ladies will comfortably seek advice from these men, in order to also sound sophisticated and cultured. Additionally, in the event that they attend serious conferences, they will confidently add relevant and witty comments, to a discussion. A man who can hold a conversation and impart well-informed and educated opinions during discussions is always a turn on. 13. They Are Mature. Older men are mature because they will not make inappropriate jokes that will cause a fight. Since they have more dating experience, they understand the basics of what makes a woman tick, such as need for communication, romance, as well as physical and emotional needs. Older men don’t force their partners to hang out with friends who only go down shot after shot, and displaying their unruly behaviour at the club. Better yet, they are mature enough to understand that a proper date is defined by quiet evenings and interesting conversations. Mature men are less governed by over-the-top emotions and childish behaviour, which is very attractive to young women because it means they will waste less time in petty squabbles about inconsequential things with their partner. 12. They Are Confident. Having experienced life and taken time to understand themselves, older men tend to be more secure and confident than younger fellas. Their experience, spanning from financial, romantic and intimate relationships, have made them more confident in their sexual prowess, financial freedom, romance antics and conflict resolution. As opposed to a young man who might resort to sleeping with a myriad of women to prove that he is macho, an older man will instead focus on the needs of his partner, making sure that they have the perfect sexual chemistry and compatibility. Additionally, older men don’t subject their partners with erratic personality issues, since they are rooted and well aware of who they are, and the direction they need to take in life. 11. They Understand Chivalry. As reported in the Daily Mail, only one in seven men will offer their seat to a woman on a bus or train, while a third say they never assist mothers struggling with heavy prams. Additionally, three in five men appreciate women holding doors open for them. These stats beg the question ‘is chivalry officially dead?’ Luckily, women dating older men report to still enjoying this rare aspect of dating. Older men will open the car door for you and close it, allow you to enter a building first, and pull a chair for you at the restaurant. These gestures are sweet and caring and sets the men apart from the boys. 10. They Know How To Give You Gifts. The art of gift giving can be sophisticated, though older men have mastered the art of personalized gifting. Older men understand that gifting reveals how they think about their partners, and how much they value them. Consequently, their gifting prowess is excellent. By understanding the psychology of personalization and using gift guides, older men are able to wow their partners easily, no matter how cliché a gift might seem. Ranging from a simple coffee mug, tote bag or an exotic holiday somewhere, as long as the product or service is customized, it is a great go. Lastly, due to their financial freedom, the cost of personalization never scares them off. 9. They Do Not Have Roommates. As we have established, most young men are still trying to find their financial footing, which means that if they are not living in a small apartment, they share a big one with roommates. Sadly for their partners, this is a turn-off. After all, which lady is ready to start the toilet seat ‘up or down’ discussion with her man’s roommates? Let’s not even start discussing an argument on different uses of space. While you and your partner need a romantic night indoors, his roommate prefers a night of drinking with his gang, IN the apartment! To avoid all this, an older man who can afford his own spacious apartment, suffices. 8. They Have More Time For Fun. As opposed to younger men who have to spend more time proving themselves and building a career, hence lacking enough time for holidays and fun, older men have more time for fun. Coupled with bank accounts full of cash, older men sweep women off their feet through enticing and uninterrupted holidays and expensive outings.

I fancy an older man



I fancy older men



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