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Написано Moneybag on 17 Декабрь 2014 - 00:19

Травма не прокает при оверхиле от тиков хот. Наблюдается после этого.

От Tyrova (1781) 2010-02-11 (Обновление 3.3.2)
I'm looking through our log right now, here are the answers to some potential FAQs

  • This effect is no longer limited to party, that is, it will effect as many raid members as are within 10 yards of the person the item procs on.
  • This item DOES effect pets.
  • As an endgame (as of ICC25 normal) geared resto druid, this item results in between 4.5 and 7% of my total healing, sometimes as high as 9% and as low as 2%. Our resto shaman receives a much less favorable 1-3% healing from this item. We both maintain 80% overhealing from this item.
  • This DOES proc on overheals. Just sat in dalaran and spammed myself to be sure.
Последний раз редактировалось Tyrova 2010-02-11 (Обновление 3.3.2)

См. также:
Бонус 4Т10 рдру и оверхил
Идол и оверхил
Ободрение и оверхил
Начальная тема

Рассмотрите эту тему или сделайте до конца то что начали - тогда к обсуждению еще и шаманы и присты присоединятся с похожими темами.
А начали отсюда ведь:

  • Heal over time spells (HoTs) will only heal if the target is not already at full health, but they cost the same amount of mana regardless of how much they end up actually healing for. Because of this, HoTs will almost always show as having done very little overhealing, which is not necessarily true.
  • Smart-targeting heals like Chain Heal will only heal targets that are below full health. In the case of Chain Heal, the healer pays mana for a heal that is supposed to heal three targets, but if only one target has taken damage then the heal will only heal that target. In effect, the spell overhealed by an amount equal to the healing that would have been done to the additional targets, but as no healing was done this will not show up on overhealing meters.
  • Reactive healing spells like Prayer of Mending and Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time and will only heal if the target actually takes damage. If no damage is taken by the target within the duration or if the healer casts the spell on a new target, the buff will expire without doing any healing. As the spell still cost the full amount of mana regardless of healing done, these spells will often show up as having done less overhealing than was really the case.

Спасибо. Травма прокает при оверхиле [wotlk] [4222] * Rework periodic heal at full heal.

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